It’s End of Year Review Season Again! – How to Run Them Like a ‘Boss!’

The end of the year is a great time to reflect on the achievements, challenges, and goals of your team. It is also a perfect time for line managers to get to know their employees better, foster better relationships and develop trust. A well-designed end of year review can help you and your employees align on expectations, celebrate successes, identify areas for improvement, and plan for the future.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been on the receiving end of some bad EOYs over the years! I’ve had them cancelled, prepared meticulously only for it to feel meaningless, and even been talked at by my manager for an hour! So how do you run an effective end of year review with your employees, knowing that for many people it’s a really important part of their role? Here’s a simple guide you can follow to make the most of this process.

Step 1: Prepare in advance

Before you meet with your employees, you should prepare some materials and questions that will guide the conversation. Some of the things that you should prepare are:

  • A summary of the employee’s performance and feedback throughout the year, based on data, metrics, and observations.
  • A list of the employee’s strengths, achievements, and areas for development, with specific examples and evidence.
  • A set of goals and expectations for the next year, aligned with the team and organisational objectives.
  • A list of questions that you want to ask the employee, such as:
    • How do you feel about your work this year?
    • What were your biggest accomplishments and challenges?
    • What did you learn and what skills did you develop?
    • How do you rate your satisfaction and engagement with your work, team, and manager?
    • What are your career aspirations and development needs?
    • How can I support you better as your manager?

You should also ask the employee to prepare some materials and questions for the review, such as:

  • A self-assessment of their performance and feedback throughout the year, based on data, metrics, and observations.
  • A list of their strengths, achievements, and areas for development, with specific examples and evidence.
  • A set of goals and expectations for the next year, aligned with the team and organisational objectives.
  • A list of questions that they want to ask you, such as:
    • How do you evaluate my performance and feedback this year?
    • What are the areas that I need to improve on and how can I do that?
    • What are the opportunities for growth and development that I can pursue?
    • How can we work better together as a team and with other stakeholders?
    • How do you plan to support me as my manager?

You should share these materials and questions with the employee at least a week before the review, so that they have enough time to review them and prepare their responses.

Step 2: Conduct the review

When you meet with your employee for the review, you should follow some best practices to ensure a productive and positive conversation.

  • Choose a comfortable and private setting where you can have an uninterrupted and confidential discussion.
  • Start with a warm and friendly tone and express your appreciation and recognition for the employee’s work and contribution.
  • Follow a structured and balanced agenda, covering both the past and the future, and both the positive and the negative aspects of the performance and feedback.
  • Use open-ended and probing questions and listen actively and empathetically to the employee’s answers. Try to understand their perspective, feelings, and motivations, and avoid making assumptions or judgments.
  • Provide specific and constructive feedback, focusing on the behaviours and outcomes, not the personality or intentions. Use examples and evidence to support your feedback and avoid vague or general statements.
  • Encourage the employee to share their feedback, opinions, and suggestions, and acknowledge and address their concerns and issues. Show respect and appreciation for their input and avoid being defensive or dismissive.
  • Collaborate with the employee to set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals and expectations for the next year and agree on the actions and resources needed to achieve them.
  • End the review on a positive and optimistic note and summarise the main points and action items. Express your confidence and support for the employee and thank them for their energy and effort.

Step 3: Follow up and monitor

After the review, you should follow up and monitor the progress and performance of the employee and provide ongoing feedback and coaching. Some of the things that you should do are:

  • Document the review and share a written summary and action plan with the employee and ask them to confirm and sign it.
  • Schedule regular check-ins and meetings with the employee and review the status and results of the goals and actions.
  • Provide timely and specific feedback and recognition and celebrate the achievements and milestones.
  • Identify and address any challenges or obstacles that the employee may face and offer guidance and support.
  • Adjust and update the goals and expectations as needed, based on the changing circumstances and priorities.

Why is this important?

Running an effective end of year review with your employees is important for several reasons. It can help you:

  • Improve the performance and productivity of your team and organisation, by aligning the goals and expectations, and providing feedback and coaching.
  • Enhance the engagement and retention of your employees, by recognising and rewarding their work and contribution, and providing opportunities for growth and development.
  • Strengthen the relationship and trust between you and your employees, by getting to know them better, and showing your interest and care for their wellbeing and success.

By following these steps, you can run an effective end of year review with your employees and make it a valuable and meaningful experience for both of you.

If you’d like to learn more about the support we provide for organisations and individuals for their people development, visit our website or give us a call on 01491 414010.


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